Saturday, June 20, 2009

I was having a lovely time . . .

I was having a lovely time on my road trip until I rear-ended a less than year old sedan driven by a young woman who is probably very friendly when you don't hit her car!

No one was hurt. I was only going 20 mph and I don't exactly know what happened. It was stop and go driving and all of a sudden the car ahead of me was stopped and I saw the brake lights. I slammed on my brakes, but sadly, not soon enough to avoid a crunch!

My car was not damaged. She thinks hers was, I couldn't see any, but I don't know. She called the local police. That was the best thing she did. He was nice. Calming. Told me accidents happen. Gave me a written warning, not an actual ticket. Lent me his cell phone to call my insurance co, when my cell phone had no service. Told me not to worry, it would be ok. Said the same calming things to the young woman and made her feel ok too.

That was Wednesday late afternoon. It is now Saturday and I have finally stopped replaying the screech, crunch and upset. I have spent a lot of time reading. watching tv, listening to the radio. Silence has not been my friend.

But today I feel more like myself. I don't have any trouble driving around town. I called my insurance co. They told me my rates would not increase as long as the repairs to her car were less than $500. I can hope. This is the first time, since I got my license, I have had an accident (and my record of no moving violations is still intact). Sadly I'm sure the insurance company will not consider all those years of good driving if they have to pay more than $500 to fix the young woman's car.

I'm glad to be back home. I had some fun adventures and I'll share them when I'm feeling a bit more gounded.


Unknown said...

Sorry about your fender bender; did it turn out okay? The officer was right, accidents happen. And, who knows, maybe that fender bender kept you occupied for something further down the road that you needed to avoid.

Just a different perspective. Enjoy your day!

Tiny Dancer said...

So far it is ok. my insurance hasn't increased and maybe it won't. My car is doing fine. I am not a fan of accidents or fate or stuff like that, but perhaps it was the place I was s'posed to be. The rest of the trip was harmonious.