Friday, May 29, 2009

The Laundry Fairy Has A Complete Meltdown

In the time scheme of things, this should have been posted the next day. But as the title indicates, I did have a complete meltdown.

In fact, if you see the laundry fairy, she should be walking around with both arms in slings, having broken them patting herself on the back. They do say pride goeth before a fall!

Here I was, doing all my daughter's laundry from the last month of college. She was leaving for Europe and the day she returns I need to drive her to her summer camp job. I was being a good and kind mama. I was feeling virtuous. Someone should have stopped me!

She emailed me her concerns about some stains and I thought, I will use bleach. I have had success with bleach. Unfortunately not this time. I was careless, I splashed bleach into a laundry basket of wet clothes just taken out of the washer and well, you get the picture.

Crying, knashing of teeth, recriminations. Who knew laundry could make a mother want to drive off the nearest bridge.

The bleach removed color off the worst possible item of clothing. A sweatshirt she has had since she was 10. It's from her summer camp. The one she still goes to (she's now Waterfront Director). It was huge then, it fits now. She's the only one with this particular design cuz she has taken such good care of her clothing. She's really proud of having this sweatshirt and she loves it.

She has enormous faith in me. It's really scary. She really believes that I am going to be able to fix this. I love that she has this faith. It means we might just escape having the relationship I have with my mom. But what a responsibility.

It has been more than a week since the incident. She has gone off on her mini-abroad to the Czech Republic and Poland. She's due back mid-June. I know I have to fix this by the time she returns. I even think I might have found the proper tools to do so. But I keep procrastinating. I don't want to fail. And I want her to be happy!


Unknown said...

Ahhhh, the dilemmas of being a good laundry fairy. I feel for you, I really do. I have a strong bond with a couple specific items of clothing, but I think I could handle if something bad happened to them, however, my girls could have a much tougher time....

I will send you strong, positive thoughts that your plan works!!!!

Tiny Dancer said...

Thanks Vanessa. Yes, it would have been much better if my clothing had gotten spots. I will keep you posted as I work to salvage the sweatshirt!