Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I have not spent all this time watching teen TV series on DVD's, in case you wondered.

I've been reading college English papers. In the last 2 weeks I have read 5+ papers, at least 3 revisions each. College papers always have deadlines. I hate deadlines.

My daughter ignored the fact that she is a writing, literature, publishing major until it was too late to change. She was enjoying taking sociology, women's studies and gender studies courses. To graduate on time, she had to take 4 English courses this semester!

Reading the papers is easy. I always learn something -- Aeschylus, Dante's Inferno, Maggie A Girl of the Streets, Billy Collins. The tough part is being reassuring one more time. She writes beautifully. And if the first draft isn't great, it gets there. But I am not a very reasuring person. I never have been. Ask my mother.

I'm glad the semester is over. And not cuz I don't love the connection with my girl. But cuz it's time to do some things for me. Get a business re-started. Make pretty things. Sell those pretty things. Put myself first. Or, if as a mom that's too tough, at least equal with first!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YAY!!! Some YOU time! Sounds terrific, enjoy it and savor it!

Sorry for the absence; been healing for days now, but feeling better and trying to catch up!!!