Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Glass is Half Full!

A little past noon my company called to say he had a better offer! Well, no not really. He had an appointment he had forgotten (did he make this up to save face?) and a friend of his was in town and wanted to hang out (this I believe).

Could he visit in a week when my daughter is home? Sure, that makes sense! He and my daughter have known each other since infancy (we have great videos of them at Sea World in their strollers) and they went to the same small boarding school in the Midwest.

Was I upset, getting up early and cleaning for someone who didn't show? Absolutely NOT! I'm thrilled I started the cleaning process, it really needed doing and I sure wasn't motivating myself! Now I'm on a roll, I'll keep going til the place is habitable again. And it doesn't matter when he shows up!

It was a good day and I will definitely sleep well.

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