Friday, March 20, 2009


Susan over at Trout Towers has awarded me the "When Life Hands You Lemons" award. This really is an honor. Specially cuz she said I have a snarky sense of humor! From Susan that is high praise indeed! My daughter is the one with that sense of humor, so to be anything like YRR is very special.
Thank you Susan!

Here are the rules:
  1. Post the logo on your blog.
  2. Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude or gratitude.
  3. Link to the nominees within your blog post.
  4. Notify the recipients of the award by commenting on their blog.
  5. Share the love and link back to the person from whom you received your award.

These are the blogs I know and love, and nominate for this award:

Laggin's under the roof of a great house. Great attitude!
I love how she deals with motherhood, it's not always easy, and this woman deserves an award!
VanessaLeigh. Great gratitude!
Her appreciation for life and the joys thereof are so great. A very generous blogger.

I like this, a step by step. So, I've done 1, 2 (not so many, oh well), 3, I'm off to notify the recipients 4, and 5 it's always easy to share the love!

Have a great day all!


Susan said...

I'd say Vanessa Leigh is the epitome of a thankful blog! And I already had a big crush on Laggin. Nicely chosen, my friend!

Leslie said...

Thank you!

Susan had a crush on me? Really? I feel so...validated!