Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I really love it that people write comments on my weblogs. It just makes me feel happy. And connected. It's a good thing!

I have it set up that I get an email when a comment is posted. I like to email back saying thanks for your nice comment, or answer a Q, or say, hey I feel like that too, or some such. But I have noticed that when I hit "reply," the return email address, if it is an address, sometimes looks like this: noreply-comment@blogger.com with < > around it.

What does it mean? I have sent emails to that address. Or I thought I did. Have they been received?
How sad to think I emailed a nice response, only to discover that noreply is the black hole of the internet! Is there a big bin in the blogosphere where all these replies, which are probably noreplies, go? Does anyone read them?

These are questions I really want the answer to.


Susan said...

I've noticed that too. I think if you have an email address in your profile, it appears in the email notification. Not all do.
Miss you!

Unknown said...

Tiny: I don't get an email response from you; nor do I get a notification if you reply to my comment; not sure if that is because you are on blogger and I am on wordpress? I don't always understand this stuff..... But I always enjoy reading......