Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Crowning Glory

I really need to get one of those small tape recorders, the kind you can operate and still drive a car safely. I have most of my best thoughts either in the car or in the shower. Do they make them waterproof?

The title of this post came to me while I was driving away from my hairdresser's. Writing while driving is a task I have never mastered, hence the tape recorder. And even tho my mom says if you forget it, it must not be important, I'm pretty sure that is not always true!

So, crowning glory. Where did that phrase come from. Wandering over to the internet to check out Bartlet's Quotations, Shakespeare, The Bible. . . Hmmm, and 30 minutes later I was not able to find the origin of the phrase. Perhaps if I had access to the OED . . .

So, the topic of this post is hair and the wonders of getting one's hair done. I used to have issues. Perhaps anyone who has had their dry hair cut with a razor would. Necessity (it's getting grey) and vanity (I don't want to be grey) have forced me to get on with it and now I regularly get my hair cut and colored professionally.

Today, my hairdresser did an exceptional job. The cut is great -- she got the bangs wispy and short enough, which is a good cuz if not I tend to cut them myself and I don't have any real skills. The color is fantastic. Actually she really out-did herself and that's saying something cuz she regularly does an amazing jov. I kind of danced out of the salon.

An actress friend of mine would travel though Los Angeles when going from one location to another, allowing time to visit the hairdresser. When another friend moved from NYC to Miami, it took her quite some time to find a new hairdresser. Her hairdresser regularly visited her in Florida to do wonders with her hair and mood! The first year I moved from west to east coasts, the person I missed most was my hairdresser. My actress friend has the most beautiful hair color. The NYC hairdresser did the bridesmaid's hair when my friend married, it was inspired, we all felt beautiful. And while I now miss my old friends more, it did take a whole bunch of bad cuts, color and perms to find the gem I visited today.

Perhaps in another post I will write about inner beauty, feminism and self image, things I care deeply about. But today, I just want to say how nice it is to have a really good hair day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YOu are right; there is a lot to be said for good hair days...... we do our own cutting and coloring at home; but I keep my extremely short, so there isn't much to mess up. My beloved has a really hard time finding a hairdresser that does what she likes; it really is a true find when you have the right person.....