Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thinking, but not Writing.

I have not spent the whole month talking to computer techs in India.
In fact, our modem/router are working just great.

I probably even have had things to say.

But I have been super busy. Or at least I have a very long to-do list which is focused on an art weekend/vintage goods, handmade fair I am going to as a student and one night as a seller. It has taken all my thoughts and I haven't taken the time to think of clever things to write here.

The trip, a road trip, will probably inspire me, as driving, and standing in the shower, are the best places I know to have a really good think.

I should probably get one of those small hand held tape recorders so I can drive safely and still remember the brilliant thoughts. I wonder if they make them in a waterproof version?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope that the trip went well; I was thinking of you and your departure. It has my honey thinking about such ventures for herself also.

I think that another way that you could do it is to carry a notebook with you, and pull over as you feel inspired to jot it down. I carry a journal book in my purse at all times. My girls gave it to me on my birthday for my bursts of inspiration, and I love having it handy. Many a post has come from it!!!!