Someone's coming to inspect my house tomorrow, so life, worries, relationship issues, art and such have been put on hold while I deal with the stuff. And I'm not even dealing with it on an emotional level, just physically cleaning and moving and making the place look like it is insurable.
I can't clean the whole house in 3 days. I thought I could clean 3 rooms, but I forgot how much cleaning was needed. And perhaps cleanliness isn't the issue. As far as I know there are no termites. The roof is less than a year old and the heating, and electrical systems work fine. The basement
and cellar, yes it's a funky old house and has one of each, never flood. The only water damage we have ever suffered are broken pipes and a leaky roof and both have been addressed.
It hasn't been easy dealing with this. A lot of heavy lifting. It's not all my stuff and that has been hard for DH. I know how much useless shit I have kicking around. He has had tocome face to face with his junk the last 2 days and it has not been a pretty sight. I'd love to be kind and tell him it doesn't matter, but it does. The stuff he has clogging what might be his home office/studio keep him from working or practicing there. Hell, they keep him from so much. So I can't make him feel better, cuz he just might have to hit bottom to deal with it -- I'd say once and for all (I know this post is way too full of cliches). but if you tend to clutter, you have to deal with it weekly, if not daily.
There are a bunch of songs with the title or refrain,
Hold On. And all of them say pretty much the same. Life isn't always easy. But if you hold on, even if only for one more day, things just might get better.
The inspector's visit may be completely anticlimactic. But out of it, I got a really clean bedroom, a more open great room, and, if I can do it, an upper hallway that isn't a maze!