Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Mom Really Should Blog

I was leaving a comment on a blog just now and was struck (it hurt) by how like my mom my comment was.

You see, my mom will listen to whatever I say . . . for about 3 sentences. And then she will proceed to tell me about someone in her life that my sentences reminded her of.

I do not know if she has always hijacked conversations. I think mostly she just talked. About other people. A lot. She really likes talking about people. Not gossipy or mean, just relating their stories. She is a master of making a short story very long!

It's only been since I actually wanted to share stuff with her that I noticed how she doesn't exactly listen to me.

Anyway, I read a post of a friend of mine. She talked about a lot of things, she often does and I really like her blog. My comment responded to a small thing she wrote and it was all about a family member of mine that sort of relates.

I have turned into my mother, oh my!


Susan said...

I bet she listens when you're not noticing. Otherwise she'd have nothing to talk about with others!

Oh wait, does that make it worse?

Unknown said...

Don't we ALL turn into our mothers eventually? I know I did!

Leslie said...

Turning into one's mother isn't all bad as long as you guard for the bad parts.

Word verification is "prodingy" which I find funny.