I have no idea why this seems imperative, but it always does. No wonder the idea of taking a trip puts me in a state somewhere between panic and Atilla the Hun. My family knows to give me a wide berth.
Add to this the fact that we have to get our taxes to the accountant (2 weeks ago would have been good) so they can be ready to send in for college financial aid and you get the idea that it has been a bit of a rough week. Is it only Tuesday?
So when the feeling of overwhelm hit me this morning, I did what any self respecting woman raised in LA would do -- I got in my car and drove! There's a Chili's restaurant and Michael's craft store next to each other and about an hour away and that's where I headed.
Driving always calms me. I loved our family Sunday drives when I was a kid. I got to lunch, ate while I read a book, then went shopping.
And Susan, even if you do find Lucy's wand, I think the pink one has her name on it!
oooh goody! I'm glad you had fun in the big city.
I love wands! And, pink is my favorite color to boot! You know what is funny/interesting? I also like for wash to be done and house to be clean before going away. There is something about coming home with less laundry than you left behind, and a clean house, that makes the trip even more worthwhile.
I also love to drive to wind down and relax. In my last couple of jobs, I was on the road much of the time, and that was so precious to me, to think and reflect, and to blast my CD's!!!
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