Saturday, June 20, 2009

I was having a lovely time . . .

I was having a lovely time on my road trip until I rear-ended a less than year old sedan driven by a young woman who is probably very friendly when you don't hit her car!

No one was hurt. I was only going 20 mph and I don't exactly know what happened. It was stop and go driving and all of a sudden the car ahead of me was stopped and I saw the brake lights. I slammed on my brakes, but sadly, not soon enough to avoid a crunch!

My car was not damaged. She thinks hers was, I couldn't see any, but I don't know. She called the local police. That was the best thing she did. He was nice. Calming. Told me accidents happen. Gave me a written warning, not an actual ticket. Lent me his cell phone to call my insurance co, when my cell phone had no service. Told me not to worry, it would be ok. Said the same calming things to the young woman and made her feel ok too.

That was Wednesday late afternoon. It is now Saturday and I have finally stopped replaying the screech, crunch and upset. I have spent a lot of time reading. watching tv, listening to the radio. Silence has not been my friend.

But today I feel more like myself. I don't have any trouble driving around town. I called my insurance co. They told me my rates would not increase as long as the repairs to her car were less than $500. I can hope. This is the first time, since I got my license, I have had an accident (and my record of no moving violations is still intact). Sadly I'm sure the insurance company will not consider all those years of good driving if they have to pay more than $500 to fix the young woman's car.

I'm glad to be back home. I had some fun adventures and I'll share them when I'm feeling a bit more gounded.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Road Trip

I'm going to be away next week.

My daughter returns from her 3 week Central European mini-Abroad, only to jump right into her summer job as Waterfront Director at a cool co-ed camp. She & her brother went to this camp together as kids. They each did the LT (leadership training) and CIT (counselor in training) programs and were counselors.

I met my husband at summer camp when we were counselors, and as a teen, I spent 2 glorious summers on Catalina Island at Girl Scout camp. Summer camps hold a special place in my heart!

My daughter could take a plane to camp. I don't really need to drive her, but I want to. I'm hoping she will talk about her trip. Driving in the car together, if she's not bummed about stuff, is one of those great places she opens up and shares what she's doing or thinking. (The local CPK near her college is another. Good thing I like the food!) Of course, she may sleep after the long flight.

My other ulterior motive is to do a bit of antiquing. I mean, as long as I'm there. . . I'm familiar with the area and there's one antique mall which usually takes me all day to peruse. I'm slow, I admit. I know folks who can walk in and zero in on the things they want. Not me. This mall also has a really good little cafe, so I can stop for lunch without leaving the premises. I'm sure they planned it that way!

I'm trying to do this trip on the cheap. I'm even considering car camping in my van. I don't expect to have internet. So I'll see you all when I return.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I love discovering new things about myself. You'd think, having lived with my self lo these many years, I would know me. And I do . . . and yet . . .

Perhaps it's a little like being in a long-term relationship and discovering a new thing about your partner. Or learning something new about your kids. . .

But back to my "aha."

I am working on opening a new business. The current stage is completely solo. I work in the space, getting it ready by myself. I have put a few feelers out for help, but no takers, so it's all up to me. This is fine, I know how I want to do things and I like my own company. Usually I take a lunch break and go out to a place that is close and cheap, but I have been worried that it was a financial luxury I ought not to do.

Yesterday I stayed home and worked all day. I must admit I got a whole lot accomplished. But at the end of the day I felt rather isolated, and unappreciated. I read a response to a comment on Vanessa's blog, which made me feel really good, and it hit me. The difference yesterday was the human contact I missed at lunch.

Since I go to lunch there most days, the workers know me. They smile. Actually, some of them light up when they see me. They ask about my kids, tell me about theirs. I'm not sure you could call it friendship. I only know their names because they wear badges. If they know mine its cuz sometimes I use my debit card. Whatever it is, it matters.

The funny thing is that once I get my food, I sit in a back corner with my nose in a book. I don't talk to anyone else, I read.

But just the act of getting in my car, driving to lunch, walking in and ordering makes all the difference in my day. It is the human contact we all need. That feeling of being seen and "gotten" and also seeing and getting others.

The other nice thing about this revelation is I no longer feel guilty going out to lunch. It's not a frivolous waste of money, it's just a way to stay connected to the world.

I wish you could see the smile on my face! It's nice to learn something new about myself!

Friday, June 5, 2009

A Silly Rant

When did people start calling California "Cali?"

And why?

I have never in my life heard any one who lives there call it that. My extended family has lived there lots of years, they don't call it that! The kids I went to school with don't either. But recently I have noticed a whole bunch of folks in the blogosphere calling it Cali.

Don't ask me why it bugs me, but it does! aarrgghh!

So if you are visiting, say you're going to California. And if you have to abbreviate, use the postal codes of CA or Calif. But don't call it Cali. It kinda makes you sound like you haven't got a clue.

I hope I don't get a lot of angry mail.